faizal tahir - maha karya cinta

"masterpiece of love"

lyrics from here.

Begitu berat melangkah
Every step feels heavy
Melihat kau bersamanya
When I see you with a new person
Adakah aku yg salah
Was I in the wrong
Atau hanya helah saja
Or was it all just a lie

Ku masih mencintai diri kamu
I am still in love you
Walau kau menjauh
Although you are in a distance
Ku rindu
I miss (you)

Kau bagaikan udara
You are like air
Yang membantu aku untuk terus hidup diatas dunia
That helps me to continue living in this world
Tanpamu ku lemah
Without you I am weak
Pasti aku tak berdaya
I am incapable
Kerna kau mahakarya cinta
Because you are the masterpiece of love

Biarpun kau tidak mahu
Although you may not want to
Menerima kasih daku
Accept my love
Ku kan setia bersamamu
I will always be faithful to you
Sehingga ke akhir waktu
Until the end of time

Ku tetap menyayangi diri kamu
I still love you
Biar kau berlalu
Although you have gone away
Ku rindu
I miss (you)


Kau takkan dapat aku lupakan
I won't ever forget you
Kerna kau lah punca cinta kita
Because you are the reason for our love
Mengajarkan ku erti bahagia
Teaching me the meaning of happiness
Temanilahku semula
Please be by my side again


Tanpamu ku lemah
Without you I am weak
Pasti aku tak berdaya
I am incapable
Kerna kau mahakarya cinta
Because you are the masterpiece of love

Dengarlah pesanan daku
Please hear my message
Yang masih akan menunggu
Who will always be waiting

1 comment:

Yasmin said...

Hahaha~ Kelakar ok!!! XD